Wednesday 6 October 2010

If life hands you lemons make a gin and tonic

I did my usual fortnightly online shopping order today only it was not to be like any other as a glich in the system happened so I was delivered 4x whatever quantity I ordered so I now have 4 kilos of lemons, 8 toothpaste tubes, 8 loaves of bread, 8 tubes of tomato paste - just to name a few they apparently couldn't reverse the issue so I had the fun task of paying a fortune and trying very hard to squeeze it all in a very small space.

If anyone has any ideas for how to use up alot of lemons I am all ears.


  1. A very large Lemon Meringue Pie

  2. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Squeeze them, put the juice in ice cube trays & make lemon ice cubes...great for cooking!!!

  3. Anonymous6:52 pm

    O - squeeze them into ice trays or zip lock bags (small ones) and then pull them out when ever you need lemon juice. And make a lot of lemon cake/slice/biscuits. And have a lot of hot lemon and honey drinks.....
    Mish :)

  4. LOL - I would have done the freezer thing only the 8 loaves of bread have pretty much stolen every possible inch - maybe I will go down the meringue path mmmmmm

  5. That is fricken hilarious.

    Make lemon curd.
    Then send me a jar!
