Monday 11 September 2006

San Francisco

Well I have made it finally left Melbourne after 3 metal scans and xrays 1 full bag search(of which they did everyone) and alot of throwing out of liquids later. And it didn't stop in OZ as had to be fingerprinted and photographed on entering the states ah the joys of post terrorist travel.

on the upside my wireless is working as I am sitting in my dorm room at present on the net in not the cleanest or easiest hostel ever as you have to trawl all your luggage up 5 flights of stairs (sorry sis as know you liked it). But it makes up for it with free internet, breakfast and dinners.

The weather is amazing 30c and bright sun so after settling in for a bit I am off out to make the most of it.

speak soon and I might even have a pic or two to share.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having fun already... I will be watching this blog so don't forget the photo promise!
