What a great weekend. Started it off on Friday with an art opening and then watched my friend Gregs heavy metal band Manfred Manslaughter play at Whammy - he is very talented but no amount of talent is ever going to get me into that genre of music, however fun on the odd occasion. Then finally after years of planning to go I can say I have been to the Parnell Festival of roses and it was really wonderful, I had no idea how many varieties existed and who knew there was such a thing as a purple rose.
Then later that night I went round to a friends to watch the kids trick or treat, she had even made a trick box full of oily spaghetti that they had to put their hands into - the squeals were very funny.
Lastly I completed my first Quarter marathon and thanks to the super technology of skins I managed to run further than I ever have before. I timed myself way back in June when I started training and it took me 2 hours and 10 minutesto complete the 10.5km course so was sooooo happy today when I bet that by 43 minutes. I have decided that next year I am going to train for the half marathon as try as I might to pretend I hate all sport and exercise I actually quite enjoy running.
Yay you, awesome running. I am so proud and jealous of your efforts. Good luck with the training for the half.