Wednesday, 4 October 2006


Well after spending my first day in prague locked in my room recovering from a long non stop travel buzz and a bit of a cold I got out today to see the sights and my feet are now well aquainted with the cobblestones. It is a great city with delicious food, incredible history and some very interesting architecture. I think I am finally starting to get a grips with the jewish traditions and history as learnt alot more today. I will upload some pics hopefully when I get back to london in a few days.


  1. I am still here. Haven't forgotten you but have no net at home... Combine that with school holidays and I have really been missing blogger and flickr! At school, I can't check the photos on either site which is really disappointing!

    I am loving keeping up with your travels. Can't wait to see the photos...

    Keep safe and have a ball... Next time you meet a Japanese traveller, ask them about ICHI GO ICHI EH... That is my fave saying and it applies to you!!!!

    Mata ne


  2. Hi Ellen,

    so does this mean you have found a place of your own? thats great I hope it has the three rooms and garden as you were hoping.

    I see japanese girls all the time and when I say any japanese at all to them they giggle.

    what does your saying mean?
