Monday, 2 October 2006


Well contiki is almost over - we only have 2 nights in paris left. On arrival we did the usual tour of the city and I was impressed how many things I could remember from january. I have to say though Paris is much nicer in sep than in jan as there is so much life out and about and shops open gardens green and full of flowers so it was great to be able to compare(although the snow was kinda magical). I have well and truely caught the contiki coach cold. but am hoping I can kick it fast as being sick was not on my list of things to do.

missing everyone heaps now - 3 weeks seems like a lifetime.

Went to Nouvelle eve the competing caberet to Moulin Rouge but unhappy to report no where near as glamorous or spectacular but it had a nicer venue and the food was yummy. the boys were funny to watch as they were expecting lots of tit action but this show only had two dance routines with them bared so those two had all the boys eyes glued to the stage.

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