Thursday, 12 November 2009


When I was just a wee little whipper snapper (about 5) I used to sit in front of my mums record player (yes I am old) and listen to Elaine Pages record stages. I loved the song memory and listened to it over and over again so much so that 25 years later when I heard she was coming to NZ I couldn't miss out on seeing her and I wasn't disappointed she was amazing. Yes before you ask I was very much one of only about 5 people in the sold out theatre with non grey hair. You can imagine my being upset when her last song was sung and no memory had departed her lips – but wait then the encore and my song and it was sooo good I cried and the audience gave her a standing ovation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 am

    I love it when wonderful memory lives up to all of its expectations. Glad you had a great night.
