Saturday, 10 October 2009

Big day out here I come

So I know I am a little late for my first Big day out but better late than never I say and I am super excited as so many of my favs are coming.

Muse, Powderfinger, Lisa Mitchell, Lilly Allen, Magic Dirt, Eskimoe Joe, The Decemberists and The Temper trap. So excited I even made my sister a mixed CD to secretly win her over into going to all my picks and ignoring the rest :)

Any tips from seasoned BDOuters appreciated.


  1. Anonymous8:32 pm

    Not sure if the comment I just wrote posted or not. Just in case...
    I'm too tight to pay for tix, I sit in the park outside and picnic. Sean often goes so hassle him for details.
    Have fun!

  2. lol love the ingenuity
