Wednesday, 8 April 2009

I must be getting older

So I am declaring this the year of absent mindedness as I have now locked myself out of my apartment twice, lost my car keys and totally forgotten to go to a play. I am not sure I can blame this all on getting old however the big 31 is looming in a week so maybe I can.

My other observation is I can't give up on paper as I decided to let go of my much loved paper diary this year and go 100% digital but because of this I totally missed going to a play I had tickets for on Sunday night, I think the key is you need to have an iphone or blackberry not a fliptop motorola to do this.

What else, well I have started to pay off my dream push bike (seller described it as a nana bike) so can't wait for that as have not had the joy of riding in well over 3 years. I have also been getting back into my crafty zone and made some easter baskets full of homemade goodies for my sis and mum and my first ever batch of hot cross buns. I am now going to make them every year as they are fairly easy and oh so yummy.

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