Wow what an amazing Monday my sister and I have just had. We got up and went to see four holidays the movie in the morning which was really funny and sufficiently cheesy for a Christmas flick. Then we went and looked at the beautiful Smith and Caughey Christmas windows (for those in Melbourne like the myers one). Then we had high tea at the Langham hotel which was oooh so yummy. Then it was off for a spot of shopping and 5 mins on the massage chair - every good shopper needs a break :). at 6pm we went for dinner at Wildfire an all you can eat South American restaurant where with the amount of meat you consume makes you feel a bit like King Henry the 8th. The hot waiters are a definite bonus. Finally we went to the Kylie x 2008 tour. I don't even know how to describe it as it was mind blowing all the costumes, theatrical digital displays, and her songs of course were amazing more like a cross between an andrew loydd webber musical, a massive attack dance party and a grand opera than what I had expected. I sang so much and clapped so much by the time I left my throat was hoarse and my body aching. Highly recommended.
PS. the best part was so many of the days activities were cheap as we used our entertainment card to the maxx.
It looks like you are having so much fun!