Friday, 3 August 2007

Congratulations to me

Well finally I can proudly say I am no longer a bum. I have finally secured a job for myself at a company called Marker Studio. The best part is its on queen street so only a small stroll down from my apartment which it will be nice to be back in my own place again after such along time away. My role is management of the studio but also has some hands on design involved too so basically my kinda job. I think I scared the shop clerk when I squealed at the acceptance phonecall she thought I had just found out I was pregnant very funny.

Anyway big picture this means I can finally start to live again call all you for catch ups and hopefully plan a trip to melbourne soon (pre christmas).


  1. Awesome, oh wow, like totally freak me out...

    Sorry I digress, what I really mean to say is Congratulations!

  2. thanks del, I am so relieved to finally have some stability
