Monday, 19 February 2007

Global Warming

Well this year has really made me realise that if we all don't pitch in and make major changes in 50 years we won't be living. Even today I have just survived through a week of high 30s low 40s c degree heat and its not easy.

I watched Al Gores documentary the inconvieniant truth recently and it has really helped me to understand the science behind the problem which has always seemed a little intangible to me. So now I know that if most of the changes have been escalating in the last 20 years its going to be hell in another 20.

So I have vowed to:
take as short a shower as possible(and believe me this isn't easy)
always wash in cold wash
turn off and unplug appliances not in use
cool off without using water or electricity as much as possible
use energy efficient lightbulbs
use public transport
walk more
eat more local produce
recycle as much as possible
look for non toxic cleaners
I already don't have air con a car or a dishwasher so thats a help.

If anyone has any other tips please let me know

as I will give it my best shot

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