Sunday, 25 February 2007


This Saturday I went to a full day festival program of Machinima animations. I knew a little about them through my internet twiddling and of course from Kev but now I am a fan. In lamens terms they are animations created in a games environment. This means that now even the boy next door can attempt to tell you a story or send you a message about their own life or a more general one. They are often very funny. So please have a look for yourself

for mum - Quilters show

Today went to the quilters show and exhibition which was as always a very bustling room filled with over 600 woman all trying to see the amazing quilts on show and find the best quaters and patterns.

I was very impressed by some of the artists so took a few pics so you could all admire them too. yeah to all us ladies trying to keep a predominantly female craft/art alive.

For dad - Southern Cross Station

Well with my Interior designer dad in mind I took a few pics of the spectacular new train station on spencer street in melbourne. Its definately a favourite of mine. Hope you like it to dad.

Monday, 19 February 2007

Global Warming

Well this year has really made me realise that if we all don't pitch in and make major changes in 50 years we won't be living. Even today I have just survived through a week of high 30s low 40s c degree heat and its not easy.

I watched Al Gores documentary the inconvieniant truth recently and it has really helped me to understand the science behind the problem which has always seemed a little intangible to me. So now I know that if most of the changes have been escalating in the last 20 years its going to be hell in another 20.

So I have vowed to:
take as short a shower as possible(and believe me this isn't easy)
always wash in cold wash
turn off and unplug appliances not in use
cool off without using water or electricity as much as possible
use energy efficient lightbulbs
use public transport
walk more
eat more local produce
recycle as much as possible
look for non toxic cleaners
I already don't have air con a car or a dishwasher so thats a help.

If anyone has any other tips please let me know

as I will give it my best shot

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Happy Valentine's

Well I was spoilt tonight with champagne and chocolate and hope all my friends out their were as well. Its a nice day to say warm fuzzies so mine go out to everyone.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Patchwork Project

Well as I am having difficulty landing a job I am trying to not waste my time. So I have started a patchwork quilt of nine sampler squares that is in colours that coordinate with my boyfriends couch. As I am teaching myself it should be interesting to see how it comes out in the end but so far it seems to be going OK.

I have also been reading a fair bit and just finished the first book in a trilogy called Viking - Odins Son which is a very interesting intro to Norse and Irish history.

Saturday, 3 February 2007

New Hair colour

Well I am happy to report that I have a new darker and slightly redder hair colour which has made me feel like a new woman. Its amazing what a little spruce up will do. I also have a job interview next week so if you can all send out good vibes for me on the 8th that would be fab.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Neverfail Water

Well Australia day and the new BBQ was a success with lots of yummy food. A friend of Kevins (Shane) from NZ came to stay for a night so it was fun to here what has been happening at home and compare my travels with his.

We have also invested in a water machine and its great — yummy no taste water always on demand and crispy cold. It makes drinking water a real pleasure.