Monday, 10 November 2008

Xmas Sales begin

OK anyone who wants a chefs toolbox party in the next 2 months you know where I am. This weekend I had fun with a stall at the Glendowie Primary school fair and funnily enough one of the other stalls had bought the house mould and was selling made up christmas houses so neat to see the product being used. I also had a bit of fun with coconut throwing and bottle cap fishing - had forgotten how much silly fun you can have at a fair.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

The end of an era

Well I am not ashamed to admit that I cried on hearing that Helen Clark was stepping down as leader of the labour party. I have been a firm supporter of her and Labour since I was given the right to vote. I admire her tremendously as a person and as a leader of our country in my eyes one of the best. She represents strength, community, wisdom and integrity and I am very sad she has decided to stop heading the party.

Thankyou Helen for being such an inspirational role model to me over the last 9 years.

On the upside the other party I support the greens has increased their profile and shown that we are moving away from being so heavily driven by 2 parties and more towards individuals we see as right to speak for us.

I now have my own city run by a mayor I dislike and an MP I have no faith in - it will be interesting to see how they fair.

However in saying this I am glad I live in a country where you have a voice and the country has spoken so I trust this direction the majority wants will work out.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Happy Guy Fawkes

I love fireworks and getting to choose and set them off yourself is even more of a pleasure. Last night a band of 7 of us had great fun letting off some small, some large, some loud and some scary fireworks. Can highly recommend getting them from the switched on gardener much more exciting than the ones from the warehouse. We managed to keep our show going for almost 3 hours not a bad effort.

I hope we are allowed to keep this tradition in New Zealand.

PS. sorry the pics are not the best but this is due to the fact I was often to awe struck to remember to take them or we had underestimated their power so was madly running out of the line of fire.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Obama Obsession

I'm not sure if everyone is experiencing what I am but at work today all anyone can focus on is how fast Obama can win the election they have even gone so far as put posters up, screensavers on and I have even heard one staff call himself Calbama. What interests me is that none of them have any power to effect this election - our own election however on Saturday no one seems to know anything about. Their votes seem purely based on either what their parents decide or who seems cooler in the media - a little depressing for me that the next generation is so disinterested in the future of their own backyard where they can – have an effect. (Oh and this post does exclude one employee who is American so she can focus on it as much as she pleases)

I am happy that he has won though as it is a sign that there is still freedom of choice in the world and that anyone can become president - next step a woman. I truely believe the world will be a better place when the woman at the top out number the men - or atleast it would be nice to see how it would be.

Congrats to Mish

Not sure if I am allowed to call Melissa that anymore but old habits die hard. A big congrats goes out to Melissa and Ben on the successful arrival of their Son Flynn a whooping 11bs 2ozs (5kgs) so a big effort on mums part.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Gingerbread houses

I finally made my first gingerbread house and boy are they alot harder to make than they look, but very satisfying to see the finished result.