Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Well I have been looking for ages for the best solution to getting some interesting decoration in my bathroom that won't be damaged by a bit of steam and I finally found something. It is a shadow of a Chandelier and it looks amazing - might have to get some for my other walls now.

and no the pic attached is not my bathroom but gives you an idea of the design.

sorry posts are a bit slow but have been busy - last week - went bowling, to a farewell, conducted 2 parties, organised 3 events, planned queens birthday trip, got flu injection, took on more responsibilities at work, and the list goes on

Monday, 12 May 2008

Pleasure in the simple things in life

Happy mothers day to my friend Isabel who has just had Hugo so it is her first.

I had a lovely experience on Sunday as went down to see my nana and take her some fish and chips and take her out for a ride and it touched my heart that such a simple gesture meant so much to her and the other ladies at lunch who also enjoyed the special treat. I think sometimes its nice to slow down and remember the simple things are sometimes the best.

Happy mothers day mum - thanks for all your love and support all through the years

ten year tattoo

Well some of you know that on the day I turned 20 I got my first tattoo that represented to me where I was in life at that age. In short it has 3 rings for the three generations of my family, black and white for the two cultures of my country and the circle a symbol of sun and water and eternity and so on all to me representing energy and life and youth etc...

so this year I turned 30 and as I had a tiny plan to place symbols up my spine every decade to remind me of where I have been I chose a butterfly. The butterfly I chose is one from the tropical north of Australia called the Ulysses I thought as Ulysses took ten years to travel home after the fall of troy the ten year thing was kind of a nice parallel to the time I was marking and the greek name/aussie origin thing a nice way to symbolise my time in Melbourne. I have always loved butterflies and some of my fondest memories are of catching them in Pauanui as a kid at easter time(I always released them after a look). Anyway both have loads more meaning to me but this give you an idea.

Thanks to the amazing artist Hamish McLauchlan at Two Hands in Newton and my sis for the moral support as pain is not something I willingly put my self through often.

Oh and ps you are lucky I am sharing this as I don't normally discuss my tattoos as they are very personal to me but thought I would make an exception

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

New look spice girls

courtesy of our air-brusher extraordinar Nivin at Marker

Ginger - Tanya, Posh - Sharleen, Baby - Alice, Scary - Tim and Sporty - Noemi

for my regular readers

I have been told if I miss entries people feel neglected so since I haven't been up to much as have been down with a cold I will talk about a discovery I have made from a magazine. Its called Kohu Road and its a new superior NZ ice cream - definitely something to look into so maybe on a nice day I might just have to pop over to their shop conveniently located near my work and have a taste. All their designs and photography certainly work on me.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Busy bee weekend

I must concede I am getting old as with all this partying I have come down with and ear infection - just don't rebound quite the same as I did ten years ago.

Friday went to Pilobolus Dance at Aotea Centre. Very erotic and saucy so a bit of fun not to mention some amazing feats of strength, balance and flexibility. Especially loved a water stage glide dance thing at the end which the dancers were kinda naked in so reminded me of a moulin rougesque affair.

Saturday went to Louise's 30th which was fun got to catch up with the camping crew and meet some new faces. then on Sunday went to sell Chefs toolbox at the master chef Savour weekend - saw Julie Buiso and Peta Mathias oooh love crazy female chefs.

Its raining like crazy in Auckland so once I figure out how will ship some over to the drought in Australia so you can all enjoy long showers like me :)

Friday, 2 May 2008

Jimeoin on ice

Well hangover number 2 for the week - I think I have accidentally discovered the best cure ever - cold and flu tablets as I have stuffed up ears so took one and its completely irradicated my hangover symptoms.

Marker went out for a night of laughs and good food and wine. Jimeoin was funny in his reflections on pubic hairs, farts and the weirdness of ordinary things. Then it was off to Cafe Midnight Express for yummy turkish food and lots of wine.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Tims last day

So it is officially the first day of my new healthy lifestyle but it is also Tim(who works with me) last day so in his honor our cupcake fairy has baked millions of cupcakes so its a good test to see if I can avoid it.

The Chefs toolbox launch

So for the few of you that I haven't told I am now a consultant for a new company which sells amazing pots pans, knives and bakeware. Last night I went to the official launch and got to meet some great people like Julie Le Clerc food editor of Women's weekly magazine. So watch this space as I will be putting up more info soon.